Wednesday 3 March 2010

Introducing the Body Magic

Hello guys,

You might have heard of the Body Magic by Ardyss but what is it really and how can it benefit you? Well, the Body Magic is an amazing garment designed by an orthopaedic surgeon to help women look and feel good. When worn properly, the body magic gives you an instant tummy tuck, takes some inches off your waist, lifts your breast and butt and generally leaves you looking like you have lost at least two dress sizes. The body magic WOULD:

• Give the appearance of an instant tummy tuck and a breast lift
• Reduce the waist rounds and lifts a woman's buttock and prevents sagging.
• Get rid of "love handles"
• Get rid of back and underarm fat giving you a smoother and more feminine figure.

I know it sounds too good to be true, I thought so too BUT this garment has been featured on several news channels (see videos) and it really DOES work like magic but don’t take our word for it. For a free body magic experience, send an email to or call UK: 07973100194/07984714207 and in Nigeria: 08051630914. The free Body Magic Experience gives you an opportunity to try the body magic for yourself and decide if you want to go ahead and purchase one. You are absolutely under no obligation to buy and we can gladly say that no woman has tried the body magic and not being overwhelmed with the results so make sure you contact us for your free experience. Also, contact us if you are interested in becoming a distributor. We look forward to hearing from you!!!

Oh and please stay tuned for more amazing products from Ardyss. We would feature a new one every day. Next up is the amazing panty reshaper that gives you a Beyonce like butt (Honestly!) The first 5 people to comment on our blog will get a 10% discount and please stay tuned for more offers.


  1. This is to good to be true. Will call first thing in the morning.

  2. As an individual that comes from a culture that piles the foods on one plate that can feed at least 3 people from one serving, the body magic And it's nutritional products saved me from going under the knife just to lose weight!
